West Seneca Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes 03/23/2005
The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of West Seneca was called to order by Vice-Chairman Daniel P. Dunn on March 23, 2005 at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present - Daniel P. Dunn Penny K. Price Sandra Giese Rosenswie Dale J. McCabe, Deputy Town Attorney William Czuprynski, Code Enforcement Officer Excused - Joseph Kleinfelder, Chairman OPENING OF PUBLIC HEARING: Motion by Mrs. Price, seconded by Mrs. Rosenswie, to open the Public Hearing.
APPROVAL OF PROOFS OF PUBLICATION: Motion by Mrs. Price, seconded by Mrs. Rosenswie, to approve the proofs of publication and posting of legal notice.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES #2005-02: Motion by Mrs. Price, seconded by Mrs. Rosenswie, to approve Minutes #2005-02 of February 23, 2005.
NEW BUSINESS: 2005-004 Request of Superior Remodeling for a variance for property located at 190 Broadway to erect unattached garage 3 ft from paper street. Colleen and Rodney Maciuba, 190 Broadway, stated they are proposing to erect a two-car garage, 26 ft x 32 ft in size, which would be situated
adjacent to the paper street and within the 30 ft required sideyard. Access to the garage would be from Broadway. The 32 ft section will run along Elm Street with the 26 ft side on Broadway. Mrs. Price asked if applicants were aware that in the event a street was put through in the future, the garage would be very close to the street. She also asked if applicant would be willing to move the garage back. Mr. Maciuba stated they also own the adjacent three cottage lots, another 100 ft back farther, which Elm Street would have served. The signatures of Joseph and Rita Hanslick, 180 Broadway were submitted, stating no objection. No comments were received from the public. Motion by Mrs. Rosenswie, seconded by Mrs. Price, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 190 Broadway to erect unattached garage 3 ft from paper street.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Mrs. Price, seconded by Mrs. Rosenswie, to close the public hearing and adjourn the meeting (7:15 p.m.). Respectfully submitted, Patricia C. Wisniewski, RMC/CMC |
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