2011 Budget Meeting
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
Supervisor Wallace C. Piotrowski called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with 30 seconds of silent prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Present - Wallace C. Piotrowski Supervisor
Sheila M. Meegan Councilwoman
Dale F. Clarke Councilman
Absent - None
Supervisor Piotrowski read the Fire Prevention Code instructing the public where to exit in case of a fire or an emergency.
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, that proofs of publication and posting of legal notice: “OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SPECIAL DISTRICTS BUDGETS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 UPON WHICH THE COST OF MAINTENANCE AND DEBT SERVICE THEREOF IS APPORTIONED AND ASSESSED IN PROPORTION TO THE AMOUNT OF BENEFIT CONFERRED” in the Town of West Seneca, be received and filed.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to open the public hearing.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that the proposed 2011 Benefit Basis Budget included all the special districts – electric, water, sanitary sewer, and the Industrial Park drainage district. These were based primarily on the assessed value or a combination of revenue calculations that matched the cost with the users of the services in the various districts.
Paula Minklei, Orchard Park Road, questioned if Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds could be used for relining the sewers.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that Town Engineer George Montz puts together the list of projects for use of CDBG funds and it is generally for roads, curbs, sidewalks, etc. He will have Mr. Montz look into the possibility of using the funds for relining sewers.
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to close the public hearing.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to table adoption of the 2011 Benefit Basis Budget until October 28, 2010 at 7:00 P.M.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, that proofs of publication and posting of legal notice: “OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF WEST SENECA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2011” in the Town of West Seneca, be received and filed.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to open the public hearing.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that the proposed 2011 budget contains an over one percent tax decrease for the year with the leveling off of assessed valuation, a decrease in expenses, and an increase in income.
Karen Lucachick, Greenmeadow Drive, referred to Page 11 of the proposed budget and questioned the zero allocation for band concerts.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that in the past the West Seneca Lions Club raised funds for band concerts and deposited the money in the Town of West Seneca General Fund. That was not the proper way of doing this so they now set up a separate Trust Account to manage these funds.
Mrs. Lucachick suggested that the town ask the Lions Club to hold the concerts on a different day. On Town Board meeting nights there is a parking problem.
Supervisor Piotrowski had contacted the Lions Club about this issue and they thought there were conflicts on the other days also. They will try to not hold concerts on Mondays when there is a Town Board meeting and instead move those concerts to different nights.
Mrs. Lucachick commented that she liked the format of last year’s budget better because it listed amounts for several years and actual expenses.
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Supervisor Piotrowski stated that the budget posted on the town’s website had more detailed information.
Mrs. Lucachick referred to the $1500 line item for Telephone on Page 13, Historical Property, and stated that her home and cell phone only cost her $720 annually. She questioned why the phone at the historical building would cost so much when it’s only open one day a week. Mrs. Lucachick also commented on the amount for gas at the historical building and questioned if the windows had been replaced.
Supervisor Piotrowski responded that the roof was replaced and a new furnace installed and they will be moving on with other improvements at the historical building.
Highway Supt. Matthew English noted that they had looked at installing new windows but they do not want to change the appearance of the building because it is historical. They could add insulation but that is very costly because it would have to be blown in. Mr. English further noted that the telephone allocation included the Internet and security system.
Mrs. Lucachick questioned the $18,000 allocation for Erie County Community Development Director on Page 6 and if the town benefited from this.
Supervisor Piotrowski advised that this was the salary for the Community Development Director paid by the town, but reimbursed by Erie County. This has always been done but was not shown on the budget in the past. To correct that error, it is now listed as an expense and also an income item. The town benefits from this because HUD funds are used as low interest loans to rehabilitate homes for individuals in town that qualify based on their income.
Amy Carpenter, Woodward Crescent, referred to Page five, Central Printing & Mailing, and the $86,000 allocation for Equipment Repair & Maintenance. She questioned when the contract for equipment repair and maintenance was up.
Councilwoman Meegan advised that this line item was for repair and maintenance of all the copy machines. They were five year leases done by former Councilman Craig Hicks prior to leaving office and they do not expire until next year.
Mrs. Carpenter commented on the number of computers in Town Hall and questioned if everyone was trained to work on them.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that everyone in Town Hall was computer trained.
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Councilwoman Meegan further stated that with the new technology in the Court Room they will be implementing a number of different programs within the town to enhance capabilities on the Internet, especially with the new software they were buying.
Mrs. Carpenter referred to the $4000 allocation for Traffic Control on Page 7, noting that it was $4000 less than 2010 and questioned how much was actually spent in the previous year. Mrs. Carpenter further referred to the reduction in electric costs on Page 7 from $25,000 in 2010 to $16,000 in 2011 and questioned if this was due to installation of the solar panels.
Supervisor Piotrowski advised that $2479 was spent in 2009 on traffic control. The reduction in electric costs was because of the solar panels. This was an estimated savings based on prior year’s usage and the solar panel company’s estimate.
Mrs. Carpenter questioned the $3000 allocation on Page 11 for YES program clothing allowance, and also, whether the town received any reimbursement for the senior citizens programs.
Supervisor Piotrowski advised that the $3000 allocation for clothing allowance was for the purchase of t-shirts. Reimbursement for the senior citizens programs was projected at $40,000 as indicated on revenue line item #1.2065.
Mrs. Carpenter did not believe the town should be buying t-shirts for the YES program or the Peer Counseling program and reiterated previous comments from the public that the peer counseling program was not a proper town expense. Mrs. Carpenter further asked for clarification on the Debt Service line items for serial bonds.
Wayne Drescher of Drescher & Malecki LLP stated that whenever the town has a major project to do and don’t have the cash to pay for it, they issue serial bonds payable over the number of years they expect the improvement to last. The town then pays principal and interest for the life of the serial bonds.
Mrs. Carpenter asked if there was anything in the budget to indicate the life of the serial bonds. Mr. Drescher advised that the budget did not show that information, but he had a list of the issue dates and maturity dates of each of the bonds.
Councilman Clarke stated that the town currently had ten bonds outstanding and he questioned how that will affect the budget.
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Mr. Drescher advised that the town had serial bonds outstanding and bond anticipation notes that can be turned into long term debt when they mature annually. Some of the older debt is starting to mature and the town is taking on new debt so the level of debt is maintained.
Councilman Clarke questioned how much this will cost the taxpayers.
Mr. Drescher advised that they will not know the interest rate on the serial bonds until they are issued. A reasonable estimate is a 3 percent interest rate which equates to 8 cents per 1000 difference from year to year. Currently, bond anticipation notes are going for about 1 percent and that is a historical low. Mr. Drescher offered to furnish a principal and interest payment schedule that is due on all the outstanding bonds.
Councilman Clarke questioned if this will include the ten bonds the Town Board recently approved.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that payment on those bonds will not begin until 2012 and they will know these costs when the 2012 budget is prepared in 2011.
Councilman Clarke questioned the total debt prior to the ten bonds approved this year.
Comptroller Robert Bielecki stated the total debt as of December 31, 2009 as follows: General Fund - $3,711,065; Highway Fund - $8,648,066; Special Districts - $1,275,169. Also, about $2,095,000 will be paid in 2010 so the net at the end of 2010 will be about $11,540,000. When the ten bonds are added on it will be $4.7 million more, but with whatever falls off in 2011 the net will be about $2 million more.
Frank Russo, Parkside Drive, questioned how overtime was factored in the 2011 budget.
Supervisor Piotrowski advised that overtime was broken down by department and then by the anticipated overtime for each employee.
Mr. Russo referred specifically to the $77,476 budgeted for the Buildings & Grounds Crew Chief salary for 2011 and questioned what the base salary was. He further questioned how any raises negotiated in the White Collar contract will affect the budget and if they will be retroactive.
Supervisor Piotrowski advised that the Crew Chief’s base salary is $57,738. The effect of White Collar negotiations on the budget will depend on if and when the contract is settled and if there are any increases. If there are increases, there will have to be an adjustment in the budget. Most town and county contracts are not retroactive because the money is not budgeted and they cannot create a deficit.
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Mr. Russo questioned the $20,000 allocated for a lockbox fee on Page 4 under the Town Clerk’s budget.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that with the merger of the Tax Office into the Town Clerk’s Office, the tax collection budget was reduced to zero and some of the expenses were transferred over to the Town Clerk’s budget which increased that budget. Earlier this year, the Town Board authorized use of M & T Bank, the low bidder, to collect taxes and the lockbox fee represents their fee.
Mr. Russo questioned if there will still be part-time employees in the Town Clerk’s office to collect taxes.
Supervisor Piotrowski responded that there will be part-time employees in the Town Clerk’s office to collect taxes for any resident that wishes to pay their taxes at Town Hall. About half the tax bills are processed through escrow agents and other individuals mail their payment; these payments will go directly to the lockbox service.
Mr. Russo referred to the Grantwriter line item on Page 6 and asked for a list of grants brought in during 2010 under the current grant writer.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that the amount was over $300,000 and Mr. Russo could contract his secretary for the exact figures.
Mr. Russo referred to the $15,000 allocated for School Intervention on Page 11 and questioned what type of program this money went to.
Supervisor Piotrowski responded that this was for referral of problems with children and families that cannot be addressed by the school district.
Mr. Russo questioned Page 18, Professional Services in the amount of $10,000, what CHIPS stood for, and the Caretakers salary under Snow & Miscellaneous.
Supervisor Piotrowski advised that the professional services line item was for the auditor, Wayne Drescher and CHIPS stood for Consolidated Highway Improvement Program. Caretaker was another name for a Highway Department employee.
Mr. Russo referred to the increases under Employee Benefits on Page 19 and hoped that the Town Board would start to make changes with regard to health insurance and other benefits for new employees. Also on Page 19, Mr. Russo questioned the $75,000 increase in Interfund Services.
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Supervisor Piotrowski advised that Interfund Services was the amount transferred to the General Fund to reimburse the town for services used by the Highway Department (i.e. legal, accounting, etc.)
Mr. Russo questioned why there was a $50,000 line item for Culvert, Pipe, Lumber, Sand, etc. under General Repairs in the Highway Fund budget, and another for $25,000 under Drainage in the General Fund budget.
Highway Supt. Matthew English stated that one was relative to private drainage and the other to the storm sewers.
Mr. Russo referred to the Peer Counselor program and questioned if the Town Board had asked the school system about sharing costs or taking over this program completely, which would save the town over $100,000. He thought this was a part-time job that could be handled by the schools and noted that the program is handled by social workers at school systems in other nearby towns. Mr. Russo stated that West Seneca has 12 social workers, one at each school, and they could easily handle the program. He commented that the two employees that currently run this program receive health insurance, longevity pay, vacation pay and sick pay and only work 25 hours per week for 37 weeks a year.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that he meets with the school system a few times each year and the Peer Counselor program is one of the topics they discuss, but he did not think matters that the town and school board negotiate should be out in the public. There are many things the Town Board works on behind the scenes on behalf of and to alleviate the taxpayers of the burden. They also try to come up with creative solutions so they do not contribute to the unemployment problem by laying off employees.
Councilman Clarke stated that he talked to the Peer Counselors, guidance counselors, principals, and School Board members about the program and they do not agree with Mr. Russo’s thoughts. The Peer Counselors work the same as teachers do, they have a classroom, and the kids attend classes. Councilman Clarke thought the program was well worth the money and an investment for the kids.
Mr. Russo thought the program should be funded by the school system, not the town, because the schools were in the kid business and had the resources to run the program.
Supervisor Piotrowski responded that the town runs recreation and sports programs and they are also provided by the school system.
Mr. Russo agreed and stated the town does a lot for the kids and the senior citizens, but this program could be handled by the social workers in the schools and it would save the town $100,000. He suggested that the town ask the school system to fund the program.
1250 Union Road 2011 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - October 21, 2010
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Paula Minklei, Orchard Park Road, agreed with Mr. Russo’s comments that the schools should be funding the peer counseling program. She understood that West Seneca was the only town that ran this program and suggested that a comparison be done with other towns with regard to drug use, etc.
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to close the public hearing.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to table adoption of the budget until October 28, 2010 at 7:00 P.M.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 P.M.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried