Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda

Meeting #2016-02                                                                 February 24, 2016
I.        Call to order
II.       Opening of Public Hearing
III.      Approval of Proofs of Publication
IV.      Approval of Minutes #2016-01
2015-72         Request of Vincent Citriniti of Bunting Signs for a variance for property located at 1055 Union Road to allow a 19’ high, 130 sf +/- ground sign (5’ high maximum and 20 sf maximum allowed)
2016-05         Request of Joe Christiano of Ryan Homes for a variance for property located at 33 John Alex Drive to reduce rear yard setback to 28'2" (30' rear yard setback required)
2016-07         Request of Angela Ardary-Smith for a variance for property located at 721 Union Road for a 26.695 sf ground sign (20 sf allowed)
2016-08         Request of John Hangartner for a variance for property located at 139 Allendale Road to construct a garage 1.5' from side lot line (3' setback required)
2016-09         Request of Mark & Kaitlin Hanrahan for a variance for property located at 75 Duchess Drive to allow parking in required front setback
2016-10         Request of Leonard & Sophie Savage for a variance for property located at 105 Terrace Blvd. to construct a new house with 15' front setback on corner lot of paper street (30' front setback required)
2016-11         Request of Andrew J Pawelek Jr. for a variance for property located at 935 Harlem Road to allow a 72 sf pedestal sign with 0' setback (maximum 40 sf allowed and 10' setback required)
2016-12         Request of Richard Johnson for a variance for property located at 2085 Union Road to allow an electronic message sign within 500’ of residential zoning and with 2’ front setback (10’ front setback required)

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