Town Board Minutes
1250 Union Road 2015 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 10, 2014
Supervisor Sheila M. Meegan called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. with 30 seconds of silent prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Town Clerk Jacqueline Felser.
ROLL CALL: Present - Sheila M. Meegan Supervisor
William P. Hanley Jr. Councilman
Absent - None
Supervisor Meegan read the Fire Prevention Code instructing the public where to exit in case of a fire or an emergency.
The meeting was dedicated to the memory of Mayor John Wilson and Robert Schultz.
Supervisor Meegan presented a certificate of merit for James Manley for his continued service and dedication to the West Seneca Veterans Committee including the Walkway of Freedom, Learning Stations and World War II database setup.
Motion by Supervisor Meegan, seconded by Councilman Hart, to adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of West Seneca adopt the special assessments indicated on the attached “Letter of Authorization” as part of the 2015 Town of West Seneca budget.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
Motion by Supervisor Meegan, seconded by Councilman Hart, to adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby adopt the Town of West Seneca 2015 Benefit Basis budgets (which includes various special district funds) as previously filed by the Town Supervisor and known as the “Preliminary” 2015 Benefit Basis Budget with amendments as contained on the attached pages.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
1250 Union Road 2015 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 10, 2014
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Motion by Supervisor Meegan, seconded by Councilman Hart, to adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby adopt the Town of West Seneca 2015 Ad Valorem budget (includes General and Highway Funds) as previously filed by the Town Supervisor and known as the “Preliminary” 2015 Ad Valorem Budget with amendments as contained on the attached pages.
On the question, Councilman Hanley acknowledged the increase from $800,000 to $900,000 in the fund balance and stated if an additional $150,000 was added taxes would be reduced another ¾ percent. He liked the idea that the board members would then be forced to make hard decisions next year since the town’s bank balance would be reduced.
Councilman Hart voiced his concern with adding another $150,000 to the fund balance and stated if the Highway and General Fund were considered one fund the town would be left with a 13 percent fund balance. He stated the NYS State Comptroller recommends fund balances fall between 5 and 25 percent and noted our fund balance went from 19 percent at the beginning of the budget process to 13 percent. Councilman Hart stated he would rather err on the side of conservatism.
Finance Director Luke Malecki stated his concern is the town potentially spending more money than the amount brought in and the possibility of issuing short term debt until tax revenues increase. Mr. Malecki further stated the Supervisor’s budget showed an increase of $350,000 and the Town Board added another $100,000 which essentially doubled the total from last year. He cautioned adding an additional $150,000 would reflect a total increase of $600,000.
Councilman Hanley felt strongly about adding another $150,000 to the fund balance, stating he would like to get the tax increase below 3 percent.
Councilman Hart stated one of the problems with the budget is escalating costs and the lack of savings in future years. He further stated zero based budgeting will add little to the fund balance and reiterated the need to be cautious and conservative in maintaining savings. Councilman Hart thought this is a realistic budget and spoke of potential future savings when the town is out of the water and sewer business.
Mr. Malecki stated the town has $36 million in short term debt that will eventually go long term. He voiced his concern of a pattern being established of fund balance spending and how that could reflect poorly on the town’s bond rating. Mr. Malecki did not recommend spending excess funds, noting it is best to slowly utilize funds and sustain a balance. He stated the overall goal is not to have as high an increase in future years.
1250 Union Road 2015 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 10, 2014
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Councilman Hanley stated residents do not want more taxes and he feels they have an opportunity to reduce the tax increase by adding $150,000 to the fund balance.
Mr. Malecki commented on the unbudgeted cost of retirements, referring to $230,000 in unbudgeted retirement costs in 2014. Supervisor Meegan further commented on the importance of establishing reserve funds for retirements going forward.
Ayes: (2) Supervisor Meegan, Councilman Hart
Noes: (1) Councilman Hanley Motion Carried
Mr. Malecki stated budget meetings with individual department heads will be part of public work sessions next year.
Councilman Hart questioned if a fund balance policy will be presented in the near future.
Mr. Malecki responded they are working on establishing a fund balance policy and budgetary transfers.
Motion by Supervisor Meegan, seconded by Councilman Hart, to adjourn the meeting at 3:30 P.M.
Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried