West Seneca Town Board Meeting Minutes 08/24/2009
Supervisor Wallace C. Piotrowski called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. with 30 seconds of silent prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present -
Absent - None Supervisor Piotrowski read the Fire Prevention Code instructing the public where to exit in case of a fire or an emergency. The meeting was dedicated to the memory of Buffalo Firefighters Lt. Charles McCarthy and Jonathan Croom. 14-A MINUTES TO BE APPROVED
14-B HELD OVER PUBLIC HEARING 1. Re: “A REQUEST FOR A REZONING AND SPECIAL PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1416 & 1420 RIDGE ROAD, BEING PART OF LOT NO. 289, CHANGING ITS CLASSIFICATION FROM C-1 TO C-2(S), FOR OPERATION OF STRAIGHT LINE SEALING BUSINESS” in the Town of West Seneca. (Stephen D. Donahue) Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Bove, to deny the request for a rezoning and special permit for property located at 1416 & 1420 Ridge Road, being part of Lot No. 289, changing its classification from C-1 to C-2(S), for operation of Straight Line Sealing business.
2. Re: “A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A REZONING AND SPECIAL PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 117 FRENCH ROAD, BEING PART OF LOT NOS. 13, 32 & 33, CHANGING ITS CLASSIFICATION FROM C-2 AND R-100A TO R-50(S), FOR A 47-UNIT SENIOR HOUSING FACILITY” in the Town of West Seneca. (People, Inc.) Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to table this item. On the question, Councilman Graber stated that People Inc. asked that the Town Board table this request until the September meeting to give them the opportunity to meet with the neighbors and try to convince them that this project would be in their best interest and would be a good project for the town. They understand that if the neighbors do not change their points of view, it is likely that the project will be in jeopardy.
14-C LEGAL NOTICES 1. Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, that proofs of publication and posting of legal notice: “OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND CITIZENS FOR OR AGAINST THE ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF THE YEAR 2009 AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE WEST SENECA TOWN CODE ENTITLED ‘CODE OF ETHICS’” in the Town of West Seneca, be received and filed.
Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Supervisor Piotrowski, to open the public hearing.
Supervisor Piotrowski stated that the proposed law was drafted by Town Attorney Shawn Martin and it included the current Code of Ethics that was adopted in 1970. The proposed law was on file in the Town Clerk’s office for residents to review prior to the meeting. Dan Warren, 836 Indian Church Road, spoke in favor of establishing a Code of Ethics for the Town of West Seneca. He stated that the Code of Ethics in the West Seneca Town Code was basically a mirror of what General Municipal Law stated and did not provide any guidance to the employees or public at large. By adopting a Code of Ethics, everyone will know the rules that apply and they can be educated as to what is required of them as a public employee. Mr. Warren thought this would provide for a much more orderly form of business and eliminate questions and heated discussions. Paula Minklei, Orchard Park Road, questioned the definition of “confidential information” in the proposed law. Mr. Martin responded that generally speaking “confidential information” consisted of matters discussed in Executive Session. This would include personnel issues and issues deemed confidential by General Municipal Law and Town Law. There are various guidelines and he would work on a definition. Karen Lucachick, 61 Greenmeadow Drive, questioned if all the board members had read the current Code of Ethics and applied themselves to it. She asked that the board members read the proposed local law and discuss it so they fully understand it. Frank Russo, Parkside Drive, questioned what was added to the current Code of Ethics. Mr. Martin responded that he will underline or in some way delineate the additions made to the current Code of Ethics. Supervisor Piotrowski thought the changes drafted by Mr. Martin were a good start, but modifications were still needed (i.e. better definition of household and relative; no exclusion of Town Justices; grandfather provision; inclusion of part-time employees in provisions; dollar limits on acceptance of gifts). He further suggested the following: paragraph “D” be discussed with members of the Planning Board and Zoning Board as it may effect their other employment and they may not want to sit on that board; the political solicitation provision was conflicting and needed better clarification; paragraph “N” was too vague and should specifically define what elected officials and employees can and cannot do with regard to other types of financial interest; §13-4A(1) should clearly define the hearing and who will conduct it. Supervisor Piotrowski stated that they have talked about changing many things in the Town Code and Mr. Martin will be heading a committee to meet with the various departments along with the Planning Board and Zoning Board members to see what changes are needed so they can be made at one time, because every time an amendment is made it is costly to have the revisions printed.
14-C LEGAL NOTICES 1. (continued) Councilman Clarke hoped to see this enacted within a month and asked Mr. Martin the possible time frame if the board members were to submit their recommended changes. Mr. Martin asked that the board members submit their suggestions two weeks prior to the next work session scheduled for September 28, 2009. Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to close the public hearing and table this item until the September 28, 2009 Town Board meeting with discussion to be held at the work session prior to that meeting.
2. Proofs of publication and posting of legal notice: “OF THE ADOPTED CHANGE IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4060 SENECA STREET, BEING PART OF LOT NOS. 93 & 94, CHANGING ITS CLASSIFICATION FROM C-1 TO C-2(S), FOR A RESTAURANT WITH SERVICE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES” in the Town of West Seneca, received and filed. (Young Development, Inc.) 14-D TABLED ITEMS 1. Credit card policy Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilman Graber, to receive and file this item with further discussion to be held at the work session scheduled for September 28, 2009 at 6:30 P.M On the question, Councilman Graber stated that Councilwoman Meegan will be putting together a specific credit card policy for the town.
2. Grant administration agreement Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilman Graber, to receive and file this item.
14-E COMMUNICATIONS 1. Supervisor Piotrowski re Title change for Mary Josefiak Motion by Councilwoman Meegan, seconded by Supervisor Piotrowski, to terminate Mary Josefiak as Director of Senior Services Provisional and appoint Mary Josefiak as Recreation Supervisor – Senior Citizens Provisional effective August 10, 2009 and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel. On the question, Councilwoman Meegan stated that Mrs. Josefiak’s current title was more administrative and more suited for an Erie County Senior Service Director. Mrs. Josefiak did a great job at the Senior Citizens Center, but her duties were more hands on and that fit the title of a Recreation Supervisor.
14-E COMMUNICATIONS 2. Supervisor Piotrowski re Minimum wage increase Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to approve a rate increase to $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009 for the attached list of employees, pursuant to the 2007 amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act/minimum wage increase and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel. On the question, Councilman Clarke suggested that in the future social security numbers be excluded from items involving personnel.
*APPENDICES* 3. Supervisor Piotrowski re Purchase requiring Town Board approval Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to authorize payment of $2110 to Suzanne Robertson for the purchase of tables for the Burchfield Nature & Art Center. On the question, Councilman Clarke stated that this transaction took place on March 21, 2008 and questioned why it took so long for it to be submitted. Councilwoman Meegan stated that Ms. Robertson brought this invoice to the Comptroller’s Office last week and they referred her to Supervisor Piotrowski. She said that last year there was an event at the Burchfield Nature and Art Center (BNAC) and Andrew Jarczyk ordered the tables for it. Ms. Robertson paid for the tables on her charge card and just realized that she was never reimbursed for the expenditure. Councilman Clarke noted that there was a policy that any purchase over $1700 required prior approval from the Town Board. Councilwoman Meegan agreed and stated that the item could be tabled for discussion if the board members chose to do so. Supervisor Piotrowski stated that if the board approved this payment it should come out of the monthly stipend appropriated for the BNAC. Councilman Clarke did not believe they should be approving purchases after they have already been purchased. Town Attorney Shawn Martin suggested tabling the item for further review. Councilwoman Bove was not in favor of tabling the item but stated that any purchase over $1700 must be approved by the entire Town Board and they did not follow proper procedure. Councilwoman Bove stated that this purchase was made before she was liaison to the BNAC, and although the tables were probably needed, they should have followed the policy. She noted that Suzanne Robertson was on the board for the BNAC, was an excellent person, and was very kind in using her credit card for the purchase, so Councilwoman Bove thought she should be reimbursed. Councilman Graber suggested that Supervisor Piotrowski send a letter to all town departments including the BNAC and remind them of the town’s purchasing policy.
14-E COMMUNICATIONS 4. Town Attorney re Rebecca Way detention area deed acceptance Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to accept the deed to the Rebecca Way detention area for dedication and filing in the Erie County Clerk’s Office, noting that the Engineering Department has recommended acceptance of the parcel for dedication for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater detention basin located at the site.
5. Town Engineer re Purchase requiring Town Board approval Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to authorize payment of $1980 to Danann Concrete for a concrete pad for the generator on Warren Avenue.
6. Highway Supt. re Replacement of salt barn roof Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to accept Sahlem’s Roofing & Siding low quote of $14,970 ($45 per 4 x 8 sheet of plywood if needed) for replacement of the roof on the salt barn located behind the highway garage.
7. Highway Supt. re Replacement of historical building roof Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to accept Sahlem’s Roofing & Siding low quote of $13,990 ($55 per 4 x 8 sheet of plywood if needed) for replacement of the roof on the historical building located on Mill Road.
8. Highway Supt. re Repairs at transfer station Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to accept the low quote from National Overhead Door in the amount of $4073 for repairs to the transfer station on Mineral Springs Road and installation of a new garage door.
9. Highway Supt. re Purchase of radios for new trucks Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded byCouncilwoman Meegan, to authorize the purchase and installation of radios for the new trucks in the Highway Department from Saia Communications at their low quote of $7256.
10. Highway Supt. re Budgetary transfer request Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to approve a budgetary transfer request of $1000 from Rental of Heavy Equipment Acct. #001.8160.0491 to T.S. Bldg. Repair & Maintenance Acct. #001.8160.0445.
14-E COMMUNICATIONS 11. Highway Supt. re Purchases requiring Town Board approval Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to authorize payment of $2181.43 to Chudy Paper for janitorial supplies and $1934.70 to Frey Heavy Duty for truck repairs.
12. Highway Supt. re Termination of N Lubkowski & appointment of M Melski as part-time laborer Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to terminate Nicholas Lubkowski as part-time laborer in the Buildings & Grounds Department and appoint Matthew Melski as part-time laborer in the Buildings & Grounds Department at a rate of $7.25 per hour effective September 5, 2009 and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel.
13. Highway Supt. re Status change for seasonal laborers to part-time Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to change the status of the following Buildings & Grounds Department employees from part-time seasonal to part-time at a rate of $7.25 per hour effective September 5, 2009:
and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel.
14. Highway Supt. re Appointment of part-time Sanitation Laborers Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to appoint the following as part-time laborers in the Sanitation Department at a rate of $7.25 per hour effective September 5, 2009: David Baker and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel.
14-E COMMUNICATIONS 15. Town Justice re Annual salary adjustment for Maureen Murphy Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to increase the salary for Maureen A. Murphy, Clerk to Town Justice Richard B. Scott in accordance with the White Collar Contract salary schedule, Group 3, Step 5, effective September 12, 2009 and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel.
16. Recreation Director re Purchase requiring Town Board approval Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to authorize payment of $3075 to West Seneca Girls Softball for umpire fees for the 2009 season.
17. Chief Gehen re Resignation of Christopher Koehler as part-time Public Safety Dispatcher Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to accept the resignation of Christopher D. Koehler and terminate him as part-time Public Safety Dispatcher effective September 4, 2009 and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel.
18. Chief Gehen re Appointment of Derek Vasquez as part-time Public Safety Dispatcher Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to appoint Derek J. Vasquez as part-time Public Safety Dispatcher at a rate of $10.95 per hour effective August 25, 2009 and authorize the Supervisor to complete and sign the necessary forms for Erie County Personnel.
19. Town Engineer re Purchase requiring Town Board approval Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to authorize payment of $3050 to Right of Way Professionals, LLC for land acquisition on Ludwig Avenue.
14-F REPORTS ISSUES OF THE PUBLIC MOTORCYCLES ON ROUTE 400 Brownie Michalczak, Warren Avenue, commented on the noise from motorcycles racing on Route 400 and asked Chief Gehen if there was anything that could be done. Mr. Michalczak stated that this occurs almost nightly between 10:30 and 11:30. Chief Gehen responded that he would assign officers to check the area.
ISSUES OF THE PUBLIC ROOF REPLACEMENT ON TOWN BUILDINGS Brownie Michalczak, Warren Avenue, referred to Item #6 & #7 on the agenda and questioned if the existing roofs would be stripped off the buildings. Robert Schultz of the Highway Department was filling in for Highway Supt. Matthew English and did not know the particulars of the work to be done. REQUEST TO RENAME BRIARWOOD PARK Chris Russet represented Ken & Kim Hansen, parents of Amanda Hansen who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in January 2009. The Hansen’s pushed for legislation requiring all homes to have carbon monoxide detectors and with the help of Assemblyman Mark Schroeder, County Legislator Tim Wroblewski, and Congressman Brian Higgins, Amanda’s Law will be enacted this week. Mr. Russet requested that the Town Board rename Briarwood Park “Amanda Hansen Memorial Park” to act as a constant reminder of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and the importance of carbon monoxide detectors. He understood that some of the board members were hesitant to take this action because they thought it would generate numerous other similar requests for dedication. Mr. Russet stated that two other parks in West Seneca were dedicated to past citizens, Tim Russert Park and Swisher Park, and the people that were responsible for renaming those parks have said that it caused no other formal requests for a change of name for any other parks. He thought the Town Board should use this instance and set a precedent for future park dedications. He suggested that the nominee have a personal connection to the park and noted that Amanda grew up in Briarwood Park, lived three doors away from it, and she and her parents and neighbors would get together in the spring and help clean up the park. Mr. Russet also suggested there be an educational or greater good for the community associated with any name change and Amanda’s Park would be just that and would help save lives. Supervisor Piotrowski advised that Town Attorney Shawn Martin was in the process of developing policy on changing the name of a park and would take Mr. Russet’s suggestions into account. The policy will be on a future Town Board agenda for adoption. Mr. Martin stated that he anticipated having the policy written sometime in October or November and suggested that Mr. Russet contact him with any other suggestions. Councilwoman Bove noted that she and Mr. Hansen went before the fire districts and fire commissioners to look for other possibilities to show awareness for families directly. She recently spoke with W.S. School Superintendent Jean Kovach who put her in contact with both of the high school principals. They want to put together a program to target students and families to make them aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide. DEED ACCEPTANCE TO REBECCA WAY DETENTION AREA Karen Lucachick, 61 Greenmeadow Drive, referred to Item #4 on this agenda and questioned the Rebecca Way detention area deed acceptance. Town Attorney Shawn Martin advised that this was a small parcel of land used as a detention area for the storm sewer. The parcel will be deeded over to the town and the town will then be responsible for maintaining it. Mrs. Lucachick questioned if the town was responsible for other detention ponds in town. Supervisor Piotrowski stated that after a development is completed the detention pond is deeded over to the town.
ISSUES OF THE PUBLIC PURCHASE OF RADIOS FOR HIGHWAY TRUCKS Karen Lucachick, 61 Greenmeadow Drive, referred to Item #9 on the agenda and questioned if the old radios in the highway trucks could be reused. Robert Schultz of the Highway Department was filling in for Highway Supt. Matthew English and stated that they purchased new trucks and used all the radios that were workable to equip those trucks, but they had to purchase additional radios.STATUS OF DOWNSIZING ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICE Karen Lucachick, 61 Greenmeadow Drive, questioned the status of a proposal at the beginning of 2009 to downsize the Animal Control Office and merge it with the Town of Orchard Park. Supervisor Piotrowski responded that the two employees in the Animal Control Office were moved into vacancies in the Highway Department and one employee now acts as Animal Control Officer under the auspices of the Highway Department. RECREATION SUPERVISOR POSITION AT SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER Karen Lucachick, 61 Greenmeadow Drive, referred to Item #1 on the agenda and questioned if the Recreation Supervisor worked under anyone’s supervision. Supervisor Piotrowski responded that Mary Josefiak was the department head and she worked under the supervision of the Town Board. Frank Russo, Parkside Drive, questioned if this was still a Civil Service position or if that was changed. Councilwoman Meegan responded that the Recreation Supervisor position was a Civil Service title. Mr. Russo questioned if Mary Josefiak had taken a Civil Service test for that position. Councilwoman Meegan responded that Mrs. Josefiak would be taking the Civil Service test for Recreation Supervisor in September. Mr. Russo questioned if the town was obligated to pay Mrs. Josefiak the full salary when she had not taken the Civil Service test yet. Supervisor Piotrowski responded that the town was tied to the salary designated whether or not the person was on the Civil Service list. STATUS OF QUOTE FOR SOUND EQUIPMENT IN COURT ROOM Amy Carpenter, 406 Woodward Crescent, questioned the status of the quote for the sound equipment in the Court Room. Councilwoman Bove stated that a grant application was submitted and they were awaiting approval of the grant to pay for the sound system. Mrs. Carpenter questioned if the grant application also included money for an LCD projector. Councilwoman Bove stated that it was part of a grant for the judiciary and it was limited, so they could only put in for the sound system.
ISSUES OF THE PUBLIC STATUS OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Amy Carpenter, 406 Woodward Crescent, referred to Councilman Graber’s comments at the July 13, 2009 Town Board meeting that he was disappointed that Yahoo did not consider West Seneca as a site. He also mentioned that David Lawrence had been gone since 2006 and she questioned if the town was looking to fill that position in the upcoming year. Supervisor Piotrowski advised that Mr. Lawrence’s position was not a town position. It was a separate, not-for-profit corporation that hired him to be the intermediary between the school district, Chamber of Commerce, and the town with various developers. The position was never funded by the Town of West Seneca. Mrs. Carpenter questioned if there was anyone from the Town of West Seneca to act as a liaison to the group or if the group still existed. Supervisor Piotrowski stated that the group was stagnant for a while, but they were getting it back together and in the process of looking for an Executive Director. Mrs. Carpenter questioned who the group was. Councilman Graber advised that the group was the Local Development Corporation and the town funded some of it when it changed from a stand alone entity to part of the Erie County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA). When Mr. Lawrence left, the town no longer had any representation pushing for it. Mrs. Carpenter stated that there is a link for the Local Development Corporation on the ECIDA website, but it is very disappointing because it doesn’t talk about West Seneca at all. There is nothing about North America Center and there are links to Great Britain. Mrs. Carpenter thought this was very embarrassing and suggested that the link be removed if there was not going to be anyone doing anything to promote West Seneca. Councilman Graber stated that they needed to point this out to the ECIDA and have it corrected. Mrs. Carpenter further commented that a lot of people lost their property to eminent domain to create North America Center and it was not being utilized. She suggested that someone in the town take a leadership role and doing something about it. SUGGESTION FOR JOINT AGREEMENT ON SHARING ASSESSING SERVICES Dan Warren, 836 Indian Church Road, stated that some time last year he brought to the Town Assessor’s attention a proposal for doing a countywide assessment, but apparently it did not have much widespread support. Mr. Warren read a document this date on the Erie County Real Property Services website where a study was done including the Assessor’s association for the municipalities in this area and it was proposed that certain municipalities enter into a joint agreement to share assessing services. The proposal recommended that West Seneca and Lackawanna enter into that type of agreement, and given the state of the current assessing situation, Mr. Warren thought this might be something the Town Board would be interested in pursuing. STATUS OF CREDIT CARD POLICY Frank Russo, Parkside Drive, referred to the tabled items on the agenda and questioned why the credit card policy was continually tabled. He thought it would be simple to limit the number of credit cards to a few people and place a $500 limit on them. Mr. Russo questioned how many credit cards the town had.
ISSUES OF THE PUBLIC STATUS OF CREDIT CARD POLICY (continued) Councilwoman Meegan stated that there were probably about 20 credit cards returned by AmeriCorps. Comptroller Robert Bielecki stated that regardless of the number of cards, they will all be cancelled. Mr. Russo did not understand why it was taking so long to adopt a credit card policy and also suggested that no cash advances be allowed with the credit cards as was done in the past. Councilwoman Meegan stated that the board members all agreed that a credit card policy was necessary and they would be adopting it shortly. REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION ON VARIOUS AGENDA ITEMS Frank Russo, Parkside Drive, referred to Item #7 on the agenda and commented on the price for replacing the roof on the historical building. He thought $13,990 was too high and should be looked into. Supervisor Piotrowski responded that two quotes were received on the project and the other quote was for $21,965. Mr. Russo further questioned the following items:
Robert Schultz of the Highway Department was filling in for Highway Supt. Matthew English and stated that the groomers are parked at the transfer station. He did not believe the part-time laborer positions were posted on the website. Mr. Russo suggested that these positions be advertised in the future and that be made part of the Code of Ethics. Supervisor Piotrowski advised that the salary increase in Item #15 was tied to the White Collar contract and was a step increase on the employee’s anniversary date. Chief Gehen stated that the part-time Public Safety Dispatcher position was posted outside Supervisor Piotrowski’s office and on the town’s website. He also talked to the fire companies and received applications from interested individuals. Mr. Russo understood that one of the Animal Control Officers was working and the other was on suspension. He questioned if the one individual was still on suspension. Supervisor Piotrowski responded that one individual was working in the Highway Department and the other was still on suspension. PRESENTATION OF COMMUNICATIONS BY BOARD MEMBERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS CANCELLATION OF AMERICORPS CREDIT CARDS Comptroller Robert Bielecki stated that his department received the credit cards from the West Seneca Youth Bureau/AmeriCorps and they were looking for permission to cancel the cards.
PRESENTATION OF COMMUNICATIONS BY BOARD MEMBERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS CANCELLATION OF AMERICORPS CREDIT CARDS (continued) Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Councilwoman Bove, to authorize Comptroller Robert Bielecki to cancel the credit cards returned by AmeriCorps.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilman Graber, to recess into Executive Session at 8:30 P.M. to discuss a personnel issue.
The board members returned from Executive Session at 9:30 P.M. NYSERDA GRANT AWARDED Councilwoman Bove stated that earlier this year the Town Board had applied to the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) for a $700,000 grant for three solar energy projects – one on Town Hall, one on the Senior Citizens Center, and one on the Highway Department. The board members were recently informed that an award was made and Solar Liberty Energy Inc. in Williamsville will be the installer with installation to begin around October 1st. Councilwoman Bove commented that this was a positive step for energy independence, will have a tremendous impact on the environment, and is a good investment for taxpayers now and in the years to come. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Councilman Graber, seconded by Supervisor Piotrowski, to retire into Executive Session at 9:35 P.M. to discuss a personnel issue.
The board members returned from Executive Session at 9:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Supervisor Piotrowski, seconded by Councilwoman Meegan, to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M.
_______________________________________ PATRICIA C. DEPASQUALE, RMC/CMC |