West Seneca 2008 Special Districts
and Preliminary Budget 11/07/2007

1250 Union Road 2008 Special Districts & Preliminary
West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007

Supervisor Paul T. Clark called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. with 30 seconds of silent prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL:   Present -

Paul T. Clark   Supervisor
Christopher F. Osmanski   Councilman
Vincent J. Graber Jr.   Councilman
Craig J. Hicks   Councilman
Christina Wleklinski Bove   Councilman

Absent -   None

Supervisor Clark read the Fire Prevention Code instructing the public where to exit in case of a fire or an emergency.


Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, that proofs of publication and posting of legal notice: “OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SPECIAL DISTRICTS BUDGETS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 UPON WHICH THE COST OF MAINTENANCE AND DEBT SERVICE THEREOF IS APPORTIONED AND ASSESSED IN PROPORTION TO THE AMOUNT OF BENEFIT CONFERRED” in the Town of West Seneca, be received and filed.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to open the public hearing.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

Supervisor Clark stated that the 2008 Benefit Basis Budget included all of the Special Districts - electric, water, sanitary sewer, and the Industrial Park drainage district. They were based primarily on assessed value or a combination of revenue calculations that matched the cost with the users of the services in various districts.

Councilman Osmanski noted that $500,000 was budgeted for major repairs in Sewer District No. 13. The Town Board had been allocating a large sum each year for repairs to the trunk lines and laterals to help alleviate flooding of residents’ basements.

No comments were received from the public.

Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to close the public hearing.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to adopt the 2008 Benefit Basis Budget as submitted.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried


Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, that proofs of publication and posting of legal notice: “OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF WEST SENECA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2008” in the Town of West Seneca, be received and filed.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to open the public hearing.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

Supervisor Clark stated that the proposed budget contained a net 2 percent tax decrease for the year 2008 with a slight increase in assessed value and other expenses.

Michael Lowe, Southgate Drive, thought the proposed budget was an insult to the citizens of West Seneca, not only in its content but also in the format and structure of the document. He thought a budget should contain an itemized accounting of the previous year spending, an itemized explanation of proposed spending, and some level of justification for any increase in spending. The proposed budget contained none of that. Mr. Lowe noted that $262,875 of the proposed budget was simply labeled “Other Expenses” and other entries totaling $168,250 were labeled “Equipment.” Rather than a generic label, the citizens of West Seneca deserved to know exactly what their tax dollars were being used for. Mr. Lowe further referred to entries totaling $317,000 for “Central Printing & Mailing” and questioned what this included. He questioned how any pay increases in excess of 2 or 3 percent could be justified considering the economic condition of this area and referred to 18 positions with proposed increases ranging from 3.8 percent to 53.6 percent. Mr. Lowe stated that he had spoken to the NYS Comptroller’s Office regarding the Town of West Seneca’s accounting, procurement and other practices, and he would be sending them a packet of information to review. He would also be taking the matter further if the Town Board adopted the budget. Mr. Lowe commented that a number of citizens were unable to attend the budget meeting because of the inconvenient time it was scheduled for, and he asked that the board members vote “no” for the proposed budget.

Karen Lucachick, 61 Greenmeadow Drive, referred to entries for telephone throughout the budget that totaled about $121,000 and questioned if the town used one phone system and if cell phones were included.

Supervisor Clark responded that the town used one phone system. Cell phones were not part of the line item for “Telephone,” but were included under “Other Expenses.” They were classified this way by recommendation of the NYS Comptroller’s Office.

Mrs. Lucachick questioned if the board members had town cell phones and what other employees were furnished with cell phones.

Supervisor Clark stated that the board members had town cell phones, and although he did not have a list of other employees with town cell phones, he would be able to provide that information.

Mrs. Lucachick noted that some other towns were giving up cell phones, and since West Seneca did not have cell phones years ago, she questioned if they were really needed today.

Councilman Graber stated that the council members used to have regular land line phones provided by the town, but they were given a choice as to whether they would like a cell phone instead. He thought cell phones were much more efficient and effective for the elected officials. Councilman Graber further noted that the Building Department, Animal Control Officers, and some Highway Department personnel also had cell phones due to the nature of their work.

Mrs. Lucachick commented on excessive raises in salaries in the budget and specifically questioned the $123,792 salary for an Engineering Draftsman.

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Councilman Graber responded that the salary indicated in the budget was for two Engineering Draftsmen.

Mrs. Lucachick thought the budget was very poorly prepared and that it should indicate how many people a salary pertained to.

Tony Lesakowski, 200 Covington Drive, questioned the health and welfare insurance for employees and whether the town had more than one health care provider.

Councilman Hicks responded that there used to be more than one health care provider, but they recently negotiated with the unions for only one provider.

Councilman Graber stated that the savings in health insurance premiums allowed them to provide a tax decrease; it was not accomplished through the use of fund balance.

Mr. Lesakowski questioned if town employees paid a portion of their health insurance premium.

Councilman Hicks responded that some employees were grandfathered under contracts, but newer employees paid a percentage of their health insurance.

Councilman Graber stated that in most cases they had gotten away from the co-pay because the savings derived from going with a single provider far exceeded continuing in that format. They had to negotiate with the unions in order to get the single provider.

Comptroller Charles Koller noted that the cost savings for going with one provider was $50,000 to $60,000 per month.

Mr. Lesakowski questioned if retirees got full health insurance coverage and if they had to contribute to it.

Mr. Koller responded that retired employees received the health care plan that was in place when they retired. They were trying to blend the retirees together and offer them a package, a point of service (POS) product under Blue Cross/Blue Shield, that would be much more efficient from an expense standpoint. Also, anyone that switched from Traditional to the POS was mandated to switch to a senior product at age 65 and before they were not required to do that.

Mr. Lesakowski further questioned if part-time employees received health insurance and if an eligible town employee that refused health insurance received compensation in lieu of the insurance.

Councilman Hicks responded that part-time employees did not receive health care insurance.

Mr. Koller stated that eligible employees that refused health insurance were compensated as negotiated in the union contracts.

Councilman Graber commented on the savings to the town when an eligible employee was compensated at 25 percent of the cost rather than the town paying 100 percent of the cost of health insurance for that employee.

Kevin McDonald, Brookside Drive, questioned why the budget was not presented with last year’s spending vs. the proposed spending.

Supervisor Clark responded that the town followed absolute guidelines issued by the NYS Comptroller’s Office.

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Wayne Drescher of Drescher & Malecki LLP stated that the town could change the structure of the budget, but he questioned if providing additional figures would be more difficult to understand for some people. Mr. Drescher noted that they tried to structure the budget in a simple form in accordance with the NYS Comptroller’s Office guidelines, but if the public wanted additional information it would not be a problem.

Mr. McDonald questioned three line items on Page two of the proposed budget under the Supervisor heading, ‘Salary of Other Clerical,’ ‘Salary of Clerical,’ and ‘Appraisal Revaluation,’ and why those line items were blank.

Mr. Drescher responded that the budget was prepared on an Excel spreadsheet and although those line items were blank this year, at some point in history there were figures in those line items.

Mr. McDonald referred to the town’s website and noted that it indicated there were two Town Board meetings each month. Since the Town Board had not been meeting twice a month he thought the website should be changed accordingly. Mr. McDonald further questioned how many hours each month the board members worked on average.

Councilman Osmanski stated that the number of hours varied from month to month.

Councilman Bove noted that she worked seven days a week. It could be two or three hours a day or a full day depending on how many people called her during the week, and she would visit senior citizens at their homes during the day or on weekends if they needed to meet with her.

David Monolopolus, 97 Lexington Green, questioned if the NYS Comptroller’s Office guidelines were the bare minimum that was required.

Mr. Drescher responded that the bare minimum would be breaking each department down by only three line items – Salaries, Equipment, and Contractual. The proposed budget gave much more detail than what was required by NYS Law.

Mr. Monolopolus questioned the line items under the heading ‘Central Printing & Mailing.’

Supervisor Clark responded that central printing was basically everything the town put out centralized. It was like a cost center for all the departments.

Paula Minklei, Orchard Park Road, thought that the Supervisor position should be full-time and the council members part-time along with Town Justices, Town Attorneys, and Town Comptroller. She questioned if the Peer Counselors and Service Learning Coordinator were part-time.

Supervisor Clark responded that the two Peer Counselors were full-time and followed the school year, but they had preparation time in the summer months. The Service Learning Coordinator was also full-time.

Mrs. Minklei suggested that the board members consider that a lot of people in the community did not get health care benefits from their employers and their salaries had not increased. She questioned where job openings within town government were posted.

Supervisor Clark responded that job postings were primarily through civil service and Erie County Personnel. Appointed and part-time positions were basically through recommendations of the Town Board.

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Mrs. Minklei thought that most people could read a spreadsheet and suggested that the budget be presented in more detail to make it easier for the public to understand. She questioned the line items for ‘Other Expenses’ and specifically the $45,000 allocation for other expenses in the Youth Bureau.

Supervisor Clark stated other expenses covered a variety of expenses and each department had a dollar amount allocated in that line item to run their department.

Councilman Osmanski noted that any purchase over $1000 had to be approved by the board member that was liaison for that department and any purchase over $1700 had to be approved by the entire Town Board. Although there might be large amounts in the ‘Other Expense’ line items, there could not be any large expenditure without Town Board approval.

Mrs. Minklei questioned why AmeriCorps expenses and revenue were not identified in the budget, noting that the Town of West Seneca was fiduciary for that program.

Supervisor Clark responded that the AmeriCorps operated under a separate federal grant with separate accounting, and also separate auditing by different agencies.

Councilman Hicks also stated that the AmeriCorps was a separate organization operated with separate federal funds that the town was not responsible for. The Town Board did not vote on their expenditures.

Councilman Graber stated that the Town Board voted on expenditures of the Youth Bureau, not AmeriCorps, but they had forced the AmeriCorps to follow certain guidelines relative to purchase of vehicles and other things.

Mrs. Minklei questioned if the Youth Bureau programs were strictly for West Seneca residents.

Councilman Graber responded that Youth Bureau programs like the YES program and Peer Counseling were just for West Seneca residents and 100 percent of the Youth Bureau budget was spent in West Seneca. Councilman Graber noted that for every dollar of the Youth Bureau budget of $369,000 they received $1791 from the federal government for all the other programs being conducted.

Mrs. Minklei asked to see a breakdown of those figures and further questioned what the YES vehicle was used for and if it was really necessary.

Councilman Osmanski responded that the YES vehicle transported the YES students to different activities in town.

Councilman Graber noted that the YES program was a positive program that helped a lot of people. Also, if students listed YES on their resume when applying for college, they were more likely to be accepted and receive scholarships. Councilman Graber stated that he would provide Mrs. Minklei with information on the AmeriCorps, including the audits conducted.

Mrs. Minklei also asked for a copy of the town’s most recent audit. She further questioned how the town owned vehicles were designated in the budget.

Supervisor Clark responded that town owned vehicles were primarily under the ‘Other Expenses’ line items, but purchase of a vehicle would be under the ‘Equipment’ line items.

Mrs. Minklei noted that the Highway Fund budget was more clearly defined than the General Fund budget and it had no line item for ‘Other Expenses.’

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Don Grasso, 64 Lexington Green, questioned if the department heads submitted a breakdown of the ‘Other Expenses’ when submitting their budgets or if they simply requested an amount with no explanation.

Supervisor Clark responded that the departments submitted detailed requests and expenses and that was taken into account when formulating the total for ‘Other Expenses.’

Councilman Osmanski stated that when the board members received the budget reports there was great detail with regard to how much was spent in previous years, how much was budgeted, year to date totals, what was included in each line item, etc.

Mr. Grasso thought the ‘Other Expenses’ line items should be broken down better and specifically referred to $45,000 for the Youth Bureau and $37,000 for the Burchfield Center, noting that no other expenses under these departments were as high as this line item.

Johanna Guenther, 140 Neubauer Court, did not believe the budget meeting should have been scheduled for a weekday at 5:00 P.M. when most people were just getting out of work. She also thought the meeting should have been held prior to Election Day, with one meeting during the week and one on the weekend so that people who were truly interested would have an opportunity to attend.

Supervisor Clark stated that they only had until November 8th to hold the public hearing and they traditionally for the last 15 years have held it this week in November. There were also scheduling conflicts with the Court Room, the senior citizens center, and Mr. Drescher.

Mrs. Guenther further commented on the presentation of the budget and thought it should be more detailed.

Tom Trimper, 14 Pine Valley Court, referred to the line item for dog food ($1000) and thought that the ‘Other Expenses’ should also be allocated in detail. He presented the Town of Elma’s budget that indicated last year’s and this year’s figures in Excel format and suggested that the Town of West Seneca do the same. Mr. Trimper referred to the line item for Salary of Other Clerical in the Comptroller’s Office and questioned if the $147,813 allocation was for two employees.

Mr. Koller responded that this was a typo and it was actually for three employees.

Mr. Trimper referred to the Salary of the Dog Control Officer and Assistant Dog Control Officer and calculated that their increase was five percent. He questioned if this rate of increase was standard.

Councilman Graber stated that no town employee ever received a five percent raise in the ten years he was on the Town Board.

Mr. Koller stated that the base salaries were all contractual; the white and blue collar received 3 percent and the police received 3.25 percent. However, when preparing the budget they had to estimate overtime and include that in the salary line item.

Mr. Trimper thought the estimated overtime should be listed separately in the budget.

Mrs. Minklei suggested that one of the Dog Control Officers work days and one work in the evening to reduce the amount of overtime in that department. She further questioned who qualified for overtime.

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Mr. Koller responded that the hours the Dog Control Officers and other employees worked were contractually negotiated. Any employee that worked over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week was entitled to overtime, and if an employee worked on Saturday or Sunday they might be entitled to double time.

Maureen Berber, 24 Ganna Court, questioned why nothing was allocated for the DARE program and requested clarification on the Peer Counseling line items.

Councilman Hicks stated that the peer counseling program was students counseling other students and there were two Coordinators of Peer Counseling, one for each high school.

Supervisor Clark stated that the peer counseling program was an agreement with the school system and the peer counselors salaries were split between the town and the school.

Chief Gehen stated that the DARE program was funded at $15,000 and was taken out of the ‘Juvenile Programs’ line item.

Mrs. Berber did not believe $15,000 was sufficient to cover the cost of the program for the seven elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools.

Supervisor Clark stated that most of the cost of running the DARE program was the time of the police officers and their salary line items were listed separately.

Chief Gehen noted that there were four DARE officers, three School Resource Officers, and two officers going into the schools to do programs for kindergarten through senior. Those officers were deployed right from the police force and those salary line items.

Mrs. Berber questioned what the Drug Abuse Prevention Council line items were for.

Councilman Osmanski stated that the Drug Abuse Prevention Council was a program run under the Youth Bureau. The funding was separate because the town used to receive state aid for this.

Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to close the public hearing.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

Councilman Bove referred to Page two and questioned the $1000 allocation for Debt Service Expense.

Mr. Koller responded that the Debt Service Expense was for issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes (BAN).

Councilman Bove referred to Page three and questioned if the $75,000 allocation for Salary of Assessor was for the temporary Assessor, and also if the $70,943 allocation for Salary of Other Clerical was for the clerk and the Real Property Appraisal Technician.

Mr. Koller responded that the Salary of Assessor was a vacant position, but it was assumed that the Town Board would appoint an Assessor at some point. The Salary of Other Clerical referred to the Clerk Typist and Real Property Appraisal Technician. These line items were detailed in the detailed salary scheduled the board members received.

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Councilman Bove referred to Page four and questioned the reduced salary for the Deputy Town Attorney along with the addition of Salary of Prosecutors. This was a change from previous budgets and she questioned if it was something new for the Town Attorney’s office.

Mr. Koller stated that the line items for the Town Attorney’s office had been reclassified.

Councilman Bove thought that the 2007 budget was much better prepared than the 2008 budget. In comparing the two she noticed on Page 12 an increase in the Other Expense line item for the Charles Burchfield Center from $22,000 to $37,000. Councilman Bove questioned the reason for this increase.

Mr. Koller responded that a detailed explanation for all the line items was forwarded to each of the board members.

Councilman Bove stated that she had the detailed explanation and everything looked in order, but she could understand how a resident would have questions. Councilman Bove further referred to Page 14 and the difference in allocation for Zoning Board Secretary and Planning Board Secretary.

Mr. Koller responded that these allocations were based on time spent and were subject to change.

Councilman Bove referred to Page 15 and the allocation for Land Fill Disposal. The allocation for 2007 was $450,000 and for 2008 it was $520,000.

Mr. Koller stated that there was excess dumping last year due to the October storm, so the allocation was increased this year. This also included a cost of living increase.

Councilman Bove referred to Page 16 and a $100,000 allocation for Serial Bonds – Interest (proposed new debt), but no allocation for Serial Bonds – Principal (proposed new debt).

Mr. Koller responded that depending on where the market goes and where the rates are, the town can either issue Bond Anticipation Notes or bond. The last couple of years the town bonded because the rates were extraordinarily low. Not knowing where the rates were going to be and trying to take advantage of the cash flow, the town did not have to make a principal payment for the first 18 months, so there would be an interest payment but no principal payment.

Councilman Bove referred to page 17, Estimated Revenues, Police Fees & Alarm Agreements and questioned the increase from $5,000 in 2007 to $70,000 for 2008.

Mr. Koller responded that there was an increase in fees so 2008 was estimated at what the 2007 revenue will actually be.

Councilman Bove referred to Page 20 and the $400,000 allocation for Interfund Services and noted that this was not in the past budgets.

Mr. Koller stated that in the past the General Fund absorbed all the costs of administering the Highway Fund, so in order to be more prudent with regard to the true cost they allocated personnel that work on Highway Department work (i.e. the Comptroller’s office processing Highway Department vouchers). This $400,000 allocation was reflected as revenue in the General Fund.

Councilman Bove agreed with the residents that there should be a better format for the budget and last year’s figures should be included along with explanations. She also noted that this year’s budget did not even include department totals like the 2007 budget.

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West Seneca, NY 14224 Budget - November 7, 2007
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Councilman Bove stated that there were no department budget meetings this year and she thought it was important to have the department heads and board members input when preparing the budget.

Mr. Koller stated that although there were no budget meetings with department heads, the department heads each had input and prepared their own budget as they did in the past.

Councilman Graber thought that the budget meetings with department heads were important and did not want to see them eliminated in the future.

Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to increase appropriations by $1600 on Acct. 1.3120.0479 Police – Youth Court Programs and increase Estimated Revenues Acct. #1.1081.000 - In Lieu of Taxes by $1600 for a net zero effect.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried

Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to adopt the 2008 Highway and General Fund budgets.

Ayes:  (4)    Councilman Osmanski, Councilman Hicks, Councilman Graber, Supervisor Clark
Noes:  (1)   Councilman Bove
Motion Carried


Motion by Supervisor Clark, seconded by Councilman Osmanski, to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 P.M.

Ayes: All Noes: None Motion Carried
