Leaf Collection
Recycle Your Leaves
What do you do with your leaves?
Grass & Leaves are collected for our community composting site on 500 Mineral Springs Road every week during the period starting the 1st week in April and to the first week in December. Grass & Leaves will be picked up until the end of the season. Place in open returnable containers (Example: bushel basket; plastic rubbish container) or in recyclable paper bags (which can be purchased at most hardware stores). DO NOT USE plastic bags for yard waste. They will not be picked up! Containers should not weigh over 50 pounds.
We recommend that you rake your leaves as early in the season as practical. This will help us to provide at least one collection for the entire Town prior to the Christmas season. The length of our collection cycle depends upon the number of leaf piles and the timing of their placement. The later leaves are raked to the edge of the street, the more difficult it will be for us to meet our objective.
There are four important things to remember about this program.
- Place yard waste at curb 5 feet away from garbage wastes.
- In spring, place leaves in open returnable container for pickup. In the Fall, rake the leaves to your curb to be collected by the leaf vacuum truck or place in open returnable container for pickup.
- Do not place rocks, metal or garbage in grass or leaves
- Tree branches should be cut to 3 foot lengths and tied in bundles for pick-up. Branches over 3 feet in length should be left at the pavement edge, where they will not be a hazard to pedestrians.
- Tree limbs, brush or bush trimmings must be tied into 3 foot easily handled bundles. Dirt from roots should be knocked loose so it does not damage the Highway packing equipment.
To have tree limbs and tree branches picked up,
call the Highway Department at 674-4850.