Zoning Board of Appeals

January 22, 2025, 6:00 pm
Meeting #2025-01
Call to Order
Opening of Public Hearing
Approval of Proofs of Publication
Approval of Minutes #2024-12
Request of Michael Shaw for property located at 4717 Clinton Street to allow a variance to allow live music on property (live music not permitted).
Request of Dave Sutton of Sutton Architecture for property located at 555 Orchard Park Road for a variance to allow live music on the property (live music not permitted).
Request of Logan Bruckman for property located at 4343 Clinton Street to allow a variance for the construction of an addition to existing dwelling of 35’ front setback (front setback maximum 40’).
Request of Kyle Kowal for property located at 985 Center Road for a variance to erect a 6’ fence in front/side and 70’ projection past house permitted (maximum 4’ height allowed in front yard and 10’ projection allowed).
Request of Mark Goldsmith for property located at 25 Smallwood Drive for a variance to install a second driveway (R-65 permits one (1) driveway per property).
Request of Jason Quarles and Ed Kuebler of Total Basement Finishing of WNY for property located at 614 Dorrance for a variance to install egress window within the front yard setback 27’ (front setback maximum 30’ allowed).
Request of John F. Hasse on behalf of El Jefe Mexican Restaurant for property located at 1340 Orchard Park Road for a variance for outdoor seating (outdoor seating not permitted).
Request of Joe DeMarco for property located at 236 Pellman Place for a variance to erect a home dwelling withing the road frontage 54’ (road frontage setback maximum 75’).
Future meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm