Sanitation Department

April 18, 2025 - Good Friday

Garbage and Recycling - Regular Schedule


SCROLL DOWN - General Rules and Regulations for:

  1. Garbage and Recycling Totes
  2. Holiday Pickup Schedule
  3. General Rules for Garbage Pickup
  4. Disposal of Paint
  5. Recycling with Totes
  6. Electronic Recycling
  7. Hazardous Waste
  8. Medical Waste
  9. Yard Waste


BLUE LID = Garbage

GREEN LID = Recycling


Basic Sanitation Guidelines for RUBBISH, ELECTRONICS, and DO IT YOURSELF projects still apply:

Visit our website for additional information at

1.       Excess trash may be bagged, boxed, or bundled (not to exceed 50 lbs.) with all nails bent over or removed for the safety of our employees.                           


2.       Any regular garbage can or old recycling bin placed at the curbside with or without garbage

                    will be taken with the trash.  The only acceptable use for either will be for yard waste.


 Tote Placement:

When placing totes at the curbside, please make sure your totes are:


1.       At least 4 feet from parked cars, trees, mailboxes, utility poles, etc.


2.       Placed with ample distance between the BLUE LID and GREEN LID totes.


3.       Placed on a clear/level space (not on top of a snow bank)





Purchase Additional Totes:

TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE, 1250 Union Road, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am5:00 pm for the following fees:  

            95-Gallon Garbage Tote     $80.00 each             65-Gallon Recycling Tote   $70.00 each


**Sanitation Department will deliver tote when clerk’s office notifies us of purchase.


Recycling Program :

MODERN RECYCLING is our ecycling disposal service.  For recycling questions or missed collection, please contact their Customer Service at 1 (800) 330-7107. 

Visit our website for an improved list of acceptable recyclables.

2025 Modern Recycling Schedule


2. Holiday Pickup Schedule for 2025:

West Seneca 2025 Sanitation Holiday Schedule


Holiday Pickup Schedule for:   2025



January 1, New Year's: Garbage and Recycling - ONE DAY DELAYED all week


January 20, Martin Luther King Birthday:  Regular Schedule

February 17, President's Birthday: Regular Schedule

April 18, Good Friday: Regular Schedule

May 26, Memorial Day: Garbage and Recycling - ONE DAY DELAYED all week

June 19, Juneteenth: Regular Schedule

July 4, Indpendence.Day: Garbage is REGULAR SCHEDULE

  Recycling is ONE DAY DELAYED July 4 ONLY



September 1, Labor Day: Garbage and Recycling - ONE DAY DELAYED all week

October 13, Columbus Birthday: Regular Schedule
November 4, Election Birthday: Regular Schedule
November 11, Veteran's Day: Regular Schedule

Thanksgiving: Garbage and Recycling - ONE DAY DELAYED for               **November 27 & 28 ONLY

December 25, Christmas: Garbage and Recycling - ONE DAY DELAYED

**December 25, 26 ONLY


NOTE:  Your pickup will be one day later if your regular pick-up day is on or follows one of the above holidays. (On those weeks, Saturday is used as a makeup day).  



3. Garbage and Household Rubbish Pickup:

NOTE: There is a 12 hour ordinance in West Seneca which prohibits residents from placing their garbage/debris/recycling to the curbside more than 12 hours in advance of their regular scheduled pick-up. Residents should arrange to have their totes at the curbside the night before or before 7:00 AM garbage day.

*All garbage and recycling MUST be secure from weather and/or animals.           You can help keep our town clean and beautiful by following these simple rules:

As of MARCH 3, 2014: "Totes Only" rule applies. Any regular garbage can or old recycling bin placed at the curside with or without garbage, will be taken with the trash. ALL TRASH MUST FIT IN THE TOTE WITH LID CLOSED, OR IT WILL NOT BE PICKED UP.


Building and remodeling contractors must dispose of their own debris and scrap:  Lumber and material from building demolition cannot be handled by our LIMITED STAFF & EQUIPMENT. The owner should provide resident with dumpter service or transport this debris to a private dump or Land Fill Co.

"Do-It-Yourself": Excess project debris that does not fit in tote, may be bagged, boxed or bundled (not to exceed 50 lbs.) with all nails bent over or removed for the safety of our employees. EXCESS TRASH DROP OFF AT THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IS SUSPENDED.  RED LID totes are available by request (when available) for SMALL DIY projects. The Sanitation Department will deliver/pickup the totes at curbside.            LIMIT: 2 WEEKS

Carpeting/Pads: Must fit in tote or cut in 6 ft lengths, rolled and tied.

Concrete/Stones/Brick: Cannot be pick up at curbside. Residents may take clean concrete and stone (NO DIRT or RED BRICK) to Ebenezer Yard Materials,              1655 Union Road, (716) 796-7318 for recycling (Charge may apply). *Please check   in at office located at the white scale house at rear of complex.

Rubbish/Large Items: **Residents do not need to call ahead for curbside pick-up** A separate truck collects large items each week on your regular garbage day. Be sure your large items are at curbside the night before, or before 7:00 am garbage day for pick-up.

Tires: (UPDATED FEES) Will not be picked up at curbside. However, you may bring them to the Highway Department, 39 South Avenue, Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 2:30 pm. at a $5.00 fee per regular without a rim, $10.00 per regular with rim, and $10.00 per larger oversized truck tires.


Car parts and heavy metals: Cannot be picked up at the curbside as could easily jam or break our packing machinery. We refer you to junk yard disposal.

Waste Oil: Will not be picked up at curbside. We refer you to full service auto repair stations, or retail stores that sell oil.

Anti-Freeze: Will not be picked up at curbside. We refer you to Erie County Hazardous Waste.

Propane Tanks: (UPDATED FEE) Will not be picked up at curbside. However, you may bring them to the Highway Department, 39 South Avenue, Monday – Friday,      7:30 am – 2:30 pm at a $5.00 per large or small tank fee.

Fire Extinguishers: Will not be picked up at curbside. We refer you to Erie County Hazardous Waste.  Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Programs | Recycling

4. Disposing of Paint:

The West Seneca Highway Dept. does NOT accept paint at 39 South Avenue. The proper way to dispose of paint is as follows:

  • Latex based paint: Open cans and stir in kitty litter, speedy dry or sawdust.Periodic additional stirring will help to speed up the drying process. When paint is completely dry, put the cans (lids off) at curbside with your garbage on your regular garbage day for pickup.
  • Oil based paint: Should be brought to the Erie County Hazardous Waste drop off site as listed on the Erie County Website:

    Erie County's hazardous waste disposal program for Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators may be a suitable option to dispose of these materials.

    For other wastes and more information about HHW:

    Click here for more information about Household Hazardous Wastes

    Please join our Mailing List <click here> to be notified of HHW events and other programs.

    To contact us:

    or by calling the Erie County Hazardous Waste Hotline at (716) 858-6800.

5. Recycling with totes:

For recycling questions or missed collection, please contact MODERN Recycling Customer Service at 1(800) 330-7107.

NEW Bi-Weekly Recycling information:

2025 Modern Recycling Schedule


Modern Recycling Guidelines

West Seneca Maps

6. Electronic Recycling:

TOWN RESIDENTS ONLY with Proof of Residency may bring electronics to the Highway Department FREE of CHARGE during Regular Business Hours Only. ILLEGAL DUMPING IS PROHIBITED! Premise is monitored/recorded; anyone observed dumping will be prosecuted.

Electronics are accepted at:
Highway Department, 39 South Avenue
Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 2:30 pm

7. Hazardous Waste:

The West Seneca Highway Department does NOT collect Hazardous Waste at the curbside, and no longer accepts Motor Oil, Gasoline, or Anti-freeze at the Highway Department, 39 South Avenue.  Visit the Erie Couty Hazardous Waste Website:

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Programs

Option 1:

HHW Voucher program OPEN

Erie County offers a free program allowing Erie County residents

to bring up to 50-lbs. of acceptable household hazardous waste

to Hazman in Tonawanda, NY.

by Appointment Only (click the link to make a reservation)

If you bring more than 50-lbs or items not listed as acceptable,

there will be additional charges.  Commercial, Business or Farm Waste

is not included. Household Hazardous Waste only.

Unacceptable Voucher Items/Additional Fees:

  • Exceedance over 50-lbs. subjected to $1.50/lb. Fee.
  • Electronics - $0.50/lb. Fee.
  • Fire Extinguishers - $10.00/unit Fee.
  • Propane Tanks - $5.00/small $10.00/ large unit Fee.
  • Tires - $20.00/no rims $25.00/with rims unit Fee

Option 2:

2024 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events are now over.

Registration is now closed for Erie County's last 2024 HHW collection event in

the City of Buffalo on September 28th. 2025 collection events will be

determined towards the start of the year.  For more info or to ask questions

please email us at or call our HHW Information line at (716) 858-6800.

Acceptable Materials List At Erie County Collection Events

  • Automotive:
    • waste automotive fluids
    • gasoline,
    • antifreeze,
    • brake & transmission fluids;
  • Paints, Solvents, etc.:
    • oil-based paints,
    • latex paint
    • paint strippers and thinners,
    • Stains and varnishes
    • spray paints,
    • kerosene & other solvents;
  • Pesticides, chemicals, etc.:
    • pesticides,
    • fertilizers and
    • pool chemicals;
  • Mercury and any Mercury containing devices such as thermometers

or thermostats.

  • Small Propane cylinders (1lb. camping)
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Household Batteries

Unacceptable Materials List

  • 20lb Propane Tanks
  • Electronic Waste/ Televisions
  • Medical Waste/ Medications
  • Asbestos. View the New York State rules on asbestos regulation.
  • Explosives, Ammunition and Gun Powder - contact your local police department.
  • Smoke Detectors (radioactive materials) - for information call First Alert at 1-800-323-9005.
  • Cooking oils - call Darling International at (716) 895-0655 for disposal of cooking oils
  • Syringes/Needles - visit the Erie County Department of Health Needle Disposal & Access page
  • Tires - should be disposed of at any retail tire dealer (a nominal disposal fee may apply).
  • Cylinders of compressed gases, such as (but not limited to): - oxygen, acetylene,

helium, carbon dioxide, freons, other refrigerant gases, etc.

  • Fluorescent light bulbs or ballasts.

In addition, Commercial, Business or Farm Waste is not accepted.

Erie County's hazardous waste disposal program for Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators 

may be a suitable option to dispose of these materials.

For other wastes and more information about HHW:

Click here for more information about Household Hazardous Wastes

Please join our Mailing List <click here> to be notified of HHW events and other programs.

To contact us:


Got HHW ? Click for flier

Click to goto

8. Medical Waste:

Hypodermic Needles: are accepted for proper disposal from Town Residents at: Highway Department, 39 South Avenue
Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm

Unused Prescriptions: are NOT accepted at the Highway Department. For proper disposal, residents should:

Sponsored by Erie County Department of Health:

Sponsored by the National Prescription Drug Drop Off:

9. Yard Waste:

Yard wastes make up approximately 40% of our solid waste. Disposal costs are high and increase annually. It is highly recommended that residents try backyard composting as an alternative to disposal of yard waste. You may also want to consider mowing your lawn and leaving the grass. Recycling grass is good for your lawn. Grass clippings decompose quickly and return a perfect balance of nutrients to the soil and help the lawn resist drought.

Proper Disposal Procedure:
Yard waste is collected for our community composting site on 500 Mineral Springs Road every week.  Residents should arrange to have their yard waste at the curbside the night before or before 7:00 am regular garbage day in:

  • Paper lawn and leaf bags: Available for purchase at Tops, Wegmans, Home Depot, Lowes, most hardware stores.  DO NOT USE plastic bags for yard waste. They will not be picked up!
  • Open reusable containers: Examples: old garbage can without lid, bushel basket, plastic container. Containers should not weigh over 50 pounds, and we ask that you do not place rocks, metal or household garbage in with your yard waste.
  • For quicker service: Residents may bring their yard waste to the Compost Site, 500 Mineral Springs, Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 2:30 pm.

     Branches and Bushes:

  • Branches 4' or less: May be placed at the curside, in open reuseable containers or tied in bundles to be picked up on your regular garbage day
  • Bushes and Branches longer than 4': May be placed at curbside (all stems facing the same direction, not blocking the sidewalk or the street which would be a hazard) are for the "chipper" which picks up one neighborhood at a time starting at one end of town and working their way across repeating the process throughout the year. Please be patient, this method may take up to 3 weeks.
  • For quicker service: Residents may bring their yard waste to the Compost Site, 500

CONTRACTORS  hired by West Seneca residents are responsible for the removal of ALL yard waste debris collected from property.  (ie: tree or bush trimmings/removal including branches, trunks, stumps, root balls, etc.)

 FREE Mulch and compost are available for pickup for TOWN RESIDENTS ONLY (with proof of residency). Collection is a "self-serve" service.

  • Residents must bring their own container and shovel (up to ONE pickup truck or small trailer load per day) to collect mulch and compost  

Additional Yard Waste and Highway Department Information:

Visit the HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PAGE for the following information:

  • Overview
  • Parks
  • Vehicles
  • Town Tree Maintenance
  • Replacement Trees
  • Street Light Outages
  • Winter Policies Clarified
  • Compost Site
  • Branches and Bushes (without roots)
  • Branches over 6" in diameter Hedges
  • Large tree limbs
  • Stumps
  • Bushes (with roots)
  • Leaves
  • Leaf Pickup Map

Brian J. Adams
Superintendent of Highways,
Sanitation and Buildings & Grounds

Phone: (716) 674-4850
Fax: (716) 674-0981

Kevin McCartan
Sanitation Supervision
Phone: (716) 674-4850 Ext. 18

39 South Avenue
West Seneca, NY 14224

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm

Employment Application
