Tree Maintenance & Replacement

Town Tree Maintenance:

Trees usually located in the town easement between the sidewalk and the street

Tree branches are obstructing power lines: If the tree branches are resting or pulling on power lines, please contact your local power company for assistance.

Trimming:  Performed by the Highway Department.

Removal:  Town trees will no longer be removed by the Highway Department.  Should a property owner wish to remove  a town tree, be advised that ONLY a town tree that is DEAD, DYING, DISEASED or causing SEWER ISSUES may be removed by homeowner at the property owners expense.

Hazardous Tree Removal:  Town trees to be removed by property owner procedure.

In order for a property owner to remove a Town tree, 1 of the 3 following requirements must be met and approved by the Highway Superintendent with a completed HTR form.  (HTR form available below and at the Highway Department,  M - F, 7:00 am - 3:30 pm.)

1.  Letter from a CERTIFIED ARBORIST stating that the tree is dead, dying, diseased, or causing a hazardous situation.

2.  Letter from a CERTIFIED PLUMBER stating that the tree is interfering with the properties sewer lines.

3.  A hand written request that the tree is dead, dying, or diseased and verified by Highway Superintendent.

Property owners/Residents may email completed HTR form along with any cooresponding paperwork and photos to , or deliver to Highway Department.


  • All tree removal in Town 's Right of Way must have written approval from Highway Superintendent BEFORE the tree is removed.
  • Any tree removed without written Highway Superintendent approval may be subject to a court appearance or fine.
  • Tree removal is at the expense of the property owner.

Download HTR Form you can complete


Replacement Trees:

The Highway Department has temporarily suspended tree replacements do to budget cuts.
If you would like to plant a tree at your own expense, please remember to "CALL BEFORE YOU DIG" at 811.
The tree you plant MUST be chosen from the list below:

  1. Little Leaf Linden Tilla Cordata 'Greenspire': 60' to 70' tall, fragrant spring flowers.
  2. Red Sunset Maple: Acer Rebrum 'Red Sunset'.
  3. Japanese Tree Lilac: Syringa Reticulate 'Ivory Silk': 20' tall, 15' to 20' wide, bunches of flowers.
  4. Crimson King Maple: Acer Platanoides 'Crimson King': Red/purple foliage, rounded crown, fast growing, 40' to 60' tall.
  5. Skyline Honeylocust: Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skyline': Skinny leaves, thornless, foot long seed pods, fast growing, 60' tall and 40' wide.
  6. Shademaster Locust: Gleditsia t.i. 'Shademaster'.