Ethics Board

Mission Statement

The goal of the Town of West Seneca Ethics Board is to promote the highest standards of ethical conduct through transparency, civility and courtesy.

It is our hope that all members of the West Seneca community and the Town’s public servants will work together to promote understanding and the sharing of ideas. We look to West Seneca’s elected officials, employees and all who serve our community to be responsible stewards of the Town’s resources.

Prior to making decisions, we ask that due diligence is performed and that one simple question is answered in the affirmative by those making any decision: “Is this the right thing for the well-being for the town and its people?” Decisions should not be about self, friends, family or party.

To facilitate this, West Seneca has instituted a Code of Ethics, the purpose of which is to eliminate:

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Personal use of town property
  • The acceptance and/or offering of improper gifts
  • Misuse of confidential information

And to include:

  • A duty to recuse
  • An atmosphere of cooperation, and an environment in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect
  • Promoting the Town’s best interests ahead of any personal or business consideration as the sole motivation in all civic decision-making

This can be achieved by encouraging all those who serve the people of West Seneca to be:

  • Collaborative
  • Communicative (Which includes listening)
  • Professional
  • Service-oriented
  • Fiscally responsible
  • Empathetic

Board Members

  • Michael Teager, Chairperson                     Term ending  12/31/2025
  • Anna Garvey                                                   Term ending 12/31/2026                          
  • Kayla Leonard                                                 Term ending 12/31/2026                      
  • Theresa Funk                                                  Term ending 12/31/2025                  
  • Lawrence  Kavanaugh, Jr                               Term ending 12/31/2025
  • Molly Martin, Deputy Town Clerk, Secretary
  • Anthony Marecki, Deputy Town Attorney
  • Ex Officio members
  • Chris Trapp, Town Attoney
  • Kate Newton, Town Clerk

Meeting minutes can now be found here
